Thursday, February 25, 2010

No Pain, No Gain

So I've started doing the 30 day Challange on Active for the Wii (thanks sunny :)) and it is kicking my butt! Between that and our workouts on Tuesday's & Saturday's I'm always so sore! It feels good though because it means I'm working towards something better, no pain-no gain, right? :) I just can't seem to get a firm grasp on the eating part though! I've been tracking calories for a week and trying to eat 500 calories less than I normally do. But yet when I get on the scale and see the numbers going up instead of coming down I feel so discouraged and totally go a carb & sugar rampage! I try to just jump back on the next day but I just keep feeling more and more discouraged! Ugh! One of these times it will get easier, it's just so hard to hang in there.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tuesday night Episode

I LOVE the new goals we've set for our little group. But I must say I'm REALLY nervous for weigh in on Saturday this past week has been horrid for me. My 3 year old has not been sleeping well so I've been up with her which makes it hard to stay up during the day. On days like that I end up resorting to caffeine pills to help me make it through the day and loads of snacking. Let me just say that eating a well balanced meal when taking those is a must. I found out the hard way later Tuesday night at our workout group. I'm so glad we have an amazing trainer and an amazing group to help me get through Tuesday night I seriously did NOT feel well. All that caffeine in my system plus no food and some major exercising really made me sick. I really need to focus on eating properly and just really not take caffeine pills! :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

100 in 8

Ok so we briefly mentioned a group goal last week but nothing got decided. So rather than waste time and money dilly dallying... HERE IS YOUR GROUP GOAL:

100 pounds lost in 8 weeks.

The starting weigh in was last week - January 30th, and the final weigh in will be Saturday March 27th.

Let's talk rewards and numbers. Here's the current status of the training payments: at the end of January, you as a group are $40 over what was required. If we carry that over to February, you as a group will only be $12 over since we're losing one and a half "payers." Then, looking forward, March has 4 Saturdays and 5 Tuesdays... If we carry over the $12 over and add in all your monthly $25, you will come up $46 short. SO, your reward for making 100 pounds in 8 weeks is that $46 deficit. If you work hard and lose the weight, I will give you 1 and ahalf FREE sessions... BECAUSE YOU DESERVE IT!!! However, if you do not lose the weight, you will each owe me $5 on March 30. So, get motivated by health or by money... whatever works.

Here's the break down: 100 pounds in 8 weeks means 12.5 pounds a week as a group. That means 1.4 pounds each of you MUST lose EACH WEEK!!! In order to lose 1.4 pounds each week, you need to have a calorie deficit of 700 calories EVERY DAY, 7 days a week for 8 weeks. In order to do this, you can burn 700 more calories each day, or eat 700 less, or some combination of the two. NOTICE: this is not a 5 days a week change... This is EVERY DAY including weekends. 700 calories REALLY isn't that much. YOU CAN DO IT!!!

Studies show that it takes 50 to 60 days to form a habit. If you eat better and work hard to be healthy for the next 8 weeks, you will form a habit. Once you form a habit to be smarter anbout health, it just gets easier from there. Sandra's son Glen said after he lost a bunch of weight that he can now eat whatever he wants because what he wants is different now." WORDS TO LIVE BY. Good luck to all of you. Remember... it's already been 5 days and we don't weigh till next week. That means that next time we weigh, all of you need to lose just 3 pounds from last week to next week. You can do it! Three pounds is NO biggy and it is difinitely a perfect way to start! 8 to weeks to better lives starts 5 day ago! Good luck and have fun. See you all Tuesday at the church for aerobics. You don't need to bring anything unless you want to bring weights for extra caloric burn. It's up to you. YOUR WORKOUTS WILL BE WHAT YOU MAKE OF THEM!!! You are all doing wonderfully. I'm having a lot of fun and hope you are too! Thanks for letting me be a part of your success!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I feel bad that I haven't attended for the last week. My foot has been really hurting me. I went to the doctor on Feb. 1st and found out that I will have to have another surgery. He will remove a bone that I broke in a fall. Hopefully I can get back into the swing of things in a month. Keep on going! I can tell that things are better with the exercise. Good Luck!