Tuesday, January 26, 2010


The plan for Saturday is Ball Exercises again. If you want a little more intense workout, bring a resistance band or some weights that are between 5 and 15 pounds. Hope to see you all there. Also, I would like some feedback if you want to give it. Let me know if the workouts are what you expect, if you want more or need less. Thanks. My e-mail address is stodsuza@gmail.com if you want to send me private feedback. Thanks. See you all Saturday.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Overcome the URGE!!!

Food is a curse. We all want to eat so many things for so many reasons. Here's the key to successfully abstaining from sweet break downs:
1. Start by getting rid of the sweets that are in your house. If you have the ingredients to make sweets, don't throw them away... give them away. Bake whatever you would have for yourself and give it to someone else. Just get it out of your house.
2. Next time you're in the grocery store picking up goodies and snacks , pick them all out at the register and add up how much they would cost to buy... Write that number down and take them out of your cart. Within a month, you'll be able to see some saved money and it will make it more worth it. It might just be a dollar here or there so it seems harmless, but the numbers add up over a month's time and you'll see the value in NOT buying crappy food.
3. To deal with cravings, eat a piece of flavored gum or mint gum. Flavored gum will give you the sweet taste with only 5 or 10 calories and mint gum, as Sunny pointed out, will put a flavor in your mouth that clashes with other foods.
4. If you must eat some snack... try fruit or yogurt or something a little healthier but lower calories and lower fat.
5. THIS IS THE KEY: to fill yourself up so that you don't want to fill yourself with snacks, DRINK WATER!!! Seriously try it. Next time you have a craving, FORCE yourself to drink 2 full 8 ounce glasses of water and you will feel like you're going to pop, so there's NO ROOM for sweets. But in 30 minutes or so, you'll be back to normal, no craving, no calories, no guilt. Just more hydrated and feeling better. This takes a few tries, so don't give up. Do it over And over if you have to.
6. Have patience in yourself. Once you can build up a habit - which takes 30 to 60 consecutive days - you will want different things. You will be a able to eat whatever you want because what you want will be good food, not garbage.

Take it a step at a time, a day at a time. You CAN overcome the food curse. See you all tomorrow for some serious work and burn!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


"Who knew that a rubber ball could be so lethal!" My friend Kelci said. I have to agree, our workout on Saturday with the exercise ball has me hurting all over today! It's a good hurt (if there ever could be a "good" hurt). It means that I'm working out, using muscles I haven't in a long time, I'm doing something about my health! Now if I could just make all these sugar cravings go away! Today I've had such a craving for sugar!! I finally broke down and made some No-Bake cookies... now I need to practice some self control and not eat them all. Last week was a bad week for me. I tend to be an emotional eater, a "I'm bored" eater, a "I'm stressed" eater. Do you see a pattern here? Any excuse to eat, I'm all over it. I'm fully aware of this and I really need to start working on it. So for me to have sugar, treats or any form of snacks is not a good thing! I need to learn some new ways to deal with things besides "eating" them away all the time. I feel miserable for eating so much and giving in, so in turn I eat more because I am so miserable already, *sigh* such a horrible way to deal with things. What do you all do? How do you handle the cravings and the emotional eating?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Plan

I felt that our first group went well, considering that none of us really knew what to expect last Saturday. So in order to prevent wasted time or inefficiency in the future, I'm going to put our tentative schedule on the blog a week or two in advance. This week, Tuesday will be at the gym, you do not need to bring any equipment, but be ready to work out very hard! This is a wonderful opportunity to be able to train at this gym and I hope we can continue to do so.

From the payments I've received, I will do a 45 minute session at the gym tonight and a full hour session the rest of the Tuesdays and Saturdays for the rest of January.

We will be working with the exercise balls this Saturday and the next 3 Saturdays as well, so please bring one. They are $9 at Walmart and come with a pump and exercise pamphlet. The size you want is 65 cm. Again, please bring your ball this Saturday and every Saturday for the rest of January.

Great job on our first workout ladies! I want to congratulate those of you who have already lost weight! I also want to congratulate all of you for putting forth the effort to change your lives. That is one huge first step and you should all be proud of yourselves. I look forward to our future sessions and our future successes as well! See you all tonight.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Favorite quotes from our organizational meeting of Tuesday night:
"I've always been an observer. I would like to be a player."
"I found out I have muscles, besides the sitting down muscles."
"I'm an inspiration for others."
"The minute I don't have to weigh, I don't have to be good anymore."
And my favorite:
"I want it to be a fun torture."

Thanks! I love you ladies!