Monday, January 18, 2010

Overcome the URGE!!!

Food is a curse. We all want to eat so many things for so many reasons. Here's the key to successfully abstaining from sweet break downs:
1. Start by getting rid of the sweets that are in your house. If you have the ingredients to make sweets, don't throw them away... give them away. Bake whatever you would have for yourself and give it to someone else. Just get it out of your house.
2. Next time you're in the grocery store picking up goodies and snacks , pick them all out at the register and add up how much they would cost to buy... Write that number down and take them out of your cart. Within a month, you'll be able to see some saved money and it will make it more worth it. It might just be a dollar here or there so it seems harmless, but the numbers add up over a month's time and you'll see the value in NOT buying crappy food.
3. To deal with cravings, eat a piece of flavored gum or mint gum. Flavored gum will give you the sweet taste with only 5 or 10 calories and mint gum, as Sunny pointed out, will put a flavor in your mouth that clashes with other foods.
4. If you must eat some snack... try fruit or yogurt or something a little healthier but lower calories and lower fat.
5. THIS IS THE KEY: to fill yourself up so that you don't want to fill yourself with snacks, DRINK WATER!!! Seriously try it. Next time you have a craving, FORCE yourself to drink 2 full 8 ounce glasses of water and you will feel like you're going to pop, so there's NO ROOM for sweets. But in 30 minutes or so, you'll be back to normal, no craving, no calories, no guilt. Just more hydrated and feeling better. This takes a few tries, so don't give up. Do it over And over if you have to.
6. Have patience in yourself. Once you can build up a habit - which takes 30 to 60 consecutive days - you will want different things. You will be a able to eat whatever you want because what you want will be good food, not garbage.

Take it a step at a time, a day at a time. You CAN overcome the food curse. See you all tomorrow for some serious work and burn!!!

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